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How Are Easter Eggs Made

How Are Easter Eggs Made

How Are Easter Eggs Made?

Initially, Easter eggs would just mean hard-boiled eggs from ducks, hens or goose which would have a colorful/designed shell. This colorful shell can be of a flavor too e.g., chocolate. What happens is that melted chocolate is molded into an egg shell’s shape to make it seem like an egg made out of chocolate (or chocolate Easter eggs).

While chocolate Easter eggs are a relatively recent tradition, the origins of Easter eggs, as well as several other modern-day symbols of Easter, such as the Easter Bunny, date far back in time, predating Christianity. Amongst the most popular Easter-related confections are the chocolate eggs, dating from early 19th-century Europe. Chocolate Easter eggs were first made in Europe during the early 19th century, with France and Germany taking the lead in this new artful pastry. After producing the first chocolate eggs for a Christian festival, in 1875, Cadbury created the modern chocolate Easter egg, having developed pure cocoa butter which could be moulded into a smooth form.

The modern chocolate Easter egg owes its development to the two biggest developments in the chocolate story: the Dutch invention of the pressing machine for the separation of cocoa butter from cocoa beans in 1828, and the introduction of the pure cacao from the Cadbury brothers in 1866. Frys (later part of the Cadbury empire) produced the first chocolate Easter egg in Britain in 1873, a big (if expensive) novelty made from pure, dark chocolate filled with sugar. These early hollow chocolate eggs were a painstaking process to make, because moulds were lined one layer at a time with smeared chocolate.

OriginModern day eastern celebration
The Easter celebration has been celebrated by Christians for nearly 2000 years.Cadbury created the modern chocolate Easter egg, made from pure cocoa butter in 1875.
Chocolate Easter eggs were first made in Europe during the early 19th century.The introduction of Dairy Milk in 1905 led to the adoption of the milk chocolate shell for Easter eggs.
Origin and modern day celebration of Easter eggs.

Some of the first eggs were hard, since mass-produced moulded chocolate had yet to be developed. Around the world, countries such as France and Germany had been producing chocolate eggs for years before Britain, but those eggs were made with solid chocolate. It was the French and Germans that came up with the inspired idea to make eggs from chocolate back in the 19th century, though these were generally made from solid rather than hollow. Like so many of our modern Christmas traditions, the idea to make and give chocolate eggs at Easter came over to Britain from Europe.

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Learn how are easter eggs made

According to some sources, decorating eggs at Easter is a tradition dating from at least the 13th century. One explanation for this custom is that eggs were previously an off-limits food during the Lenten season, so people would paint and decorate them to commemorate the end of the penance and fasting period, and subsequently eat them at Easter as a celebration.

Many of us might gobble chocolate eggs on Easter, but eating eggs was initially forbidden by Church leaders in the weeks leading up to Easter (known as Holy Week). Many today associate Easter with the overabundance of chocolate eggs, instead of with Christian remembrance of Jesus Christs resurrection, as well as many other festivals and religious practices. The Easter celebration has been celebrated by Christians for nearly 2000 years, but chocolate has been eaten in Europe only a few hundred years.

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Although one Christian tradition is the use of painted or colored chicken eggs, a modern custom is the substitution of chocolate eggs, or plastic eggs filled with candies like jelly beans; since many give up sweets as a sacrifice in Lenten season, individuals will enjoy these on the Christian festival of Easter, having stayed away from sweets for the preceding forty days of Lenten fasting. In Egypt, decorating hard-boiled eggs is tradition on Sham El-Nessim, a festival that falls each year following Eastern Christian Easter. Although eggs are traditionally the traditional symbols of fertility and rebirth, in Christianity, the Easter Egg Feast is used for Eastertide celebrations, and the Christian feast day symbolizes Jesuss empty tomb, from which Jesus was resurrected.

Legend has it that Easter bunnies laid, decorated, and hidden eggs, since they were also symbolic of new life. The Easter bunny is the adorable mascot that delivers chocolate eggs to the UK, this tradition is yet another German invention, that goes along with Easter Egg Hunt. The Bible does not make any reference to the long-eared, short-tailed creature that delivers decorated eggs to well-behaved children on Easter Sunday; however, the Easter bunny has become a visible symbol for Christians. The Easter Bunny, the most visible secular symbol of the Christian feast day, was reportedly introduced to the United States by German immigrants, who brought over their stories about the egg-laying hare.

The exchanging of eggs during spring festivals is an old custom in many parts of the world, with the first Christians of Mesopotamia dying eggs during a time after Easter. This Easter was the most important festival of the Christian calendar, and eggs had a lot of meaning to the early Christians.

Although over 200m Cadbury Creme Eggs are sold each year in Britain, chocolate eggs are relatively modern additions to Easter. Chocolate eggs, which are usually filled with tiny surprises, are the delicacy of choice for Italians celebrating the celebrations of Easter. Today, you can buy all sorts of chocolate eggs from countless confectionery companies, whether you prefer them plain, hollow, or filled with everything from flavored creams to pricey, gourmet chocolates.

The popularity of Cadburys Dairy Milk Chocolate greatly increased the sales of Easter eggs and established them as seasonal best sellers. The introduction of Dairy Milk in 1905 led to the adoption of the milk chocolate shell for Easter eggs, with the introduction of cream-filled versions in 1923. Chocolate eggs formally moved across the Channel, when J.S. Frye of Bristol produced the first British version in 1873, followed by Cadbury two years later.

The first of its growing operation, the chocolate eggs were made from black chocolate, had plain, smooth surfaces, and were filled with dredge. The earliest decorated chocolate eggs were simple shells decorated with piping of chocolate and with chocolate flowers or with frosting, but today, an immense range of decorated Easter eggs is available. Traditionally, on Easter, people gave each other eggs from hens which had been boiled and painted in vibrant colours (this is where the tradition of decorated eggs comes from).

A family-owned business took that tradition and added its own twist to it, and thus, the first chocolate Easter eggs were introduced to Britain. Cadbury Chocolate Company eggs are still an incredible hit, but there is barely any kind of generalized hold over the market for the candy maker. Its growing business Easter chocolate line includes luxury Easter eggs gifts, Easter gift baskets, mini Easter eggs, Easter token gifts, and Easter chocolate novelties including Easter bunnies and Easter chicks.

Why do we color eggs on Easter?

Eggs were painted and decorated to signify the period of penance and fasting because it is believed in Christianity that they were once a banned meal during the Lenten season. Eggs were colored crimson by early Christians in Mesopotamia to resemble the blood that Christ spilled at his crucifixion.

How are Easter eggs prepared?

Eggs, water, and a vessel are needed to boil eggs. Put the eggs in the pot and cover them with water. Bring to a rolling boil over medium-high heat; then turn off the stove. To stop the cooking, the eggs should sit for 10 to 15 minutes before being immersed in cool water.

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