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Can You Get Sick From Eating Expired Almonds

Can You Get Sick From Eating Expired Almonds

Can Expired Almonds Make You Sick?

If your almonds have simply passed the expiration date printed on the package, chances are they’re still safe to eat, and doing so won’t make you fall sick. However, if the almonds visibly seem different or smell rancid, it’s best not to consume them. Eating spoiled almonds will most likely lead to food poisoning.

Properly stored, canned or bottled almonds last for approximately 1 month at normal room temperature once opened. You can guess that almonds should last for at least 12 months, maybe longer, if stored correctly. Unopened snacking almonds should last at least as long as the package date, and most of the time, they will still be fresh as late as one month, if stored in a pantry or fridge. An unopened package of snack almonds may last approximately 2-4 weeks beyond its best-by date.

TypesShelf Life
Almonds For 1 month at room temperature
Unprocessed Almonds For 1 year

If you have unprocessed almonds, researchers say the nuts can stay fresh and taste good for at least one year, and some studies suggest that can last up to two years. While almonds may shrivel up to a certain extent, the good news is they also last very long when stored correctly. The good news is that almonds do last a pretty long time (more on this in the next section), so they should also last well past their due date, provided they are not treated badly when stored. This date is for a period during which you will enjoy almonds at peak quality, but you can still use almonds that are past that date if you store them correctly.

Find out if you eat expired almonds

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The “best by” or “best before” dates written on the almonds jars relate to quality, not security, so the almonds will not necessarily spoil right after the best before date. Note that the date is also just an estimate, and chances are that almonds should retain reasonably good quality much longer. One thing to keep in mind is that altered flavor is a more common indication, so if your almonds taste fine, you are still not out of the woods. You can determine whether your almonds are spoiled or not by looking at how they look, their color, texture, their smell, and taste.

Last, but certainly not least, if almonds have passed the eye test and the sniff test, then you can move on to tasting the almonds, if they taste bitter, that is a sign of a bad almond. Keep in mind that almonds are similar to many other nuts, as they can absorb odors from other foods or containers in which they are stored. If you open up an almond container and you get the smell of acidity, almost chemical, then you can bet the nuts are spoiled.

If you are eating rancid nuts, chances are that you are not going to experience any adverse effects, except for an unpleasant taste in your mouth. Eating rancid or stale nuts such as almonds, walnuts, or cashews in small amounts might not immediately make you ill, but is usually not recommended because it can hinder digestion or cause other detrimental effects to your body over a longer period of time.

While most people can have moderate amounts of almonds without adverse health effects, those who are allergic to almonds are likely to experience an illness — though not immediate — after eating nuts. According to a 1982 case study of a 67-year-old woman, eating just four or five bitter almonds would produce light-headedness, nausea, and stomach cramps. In fact, eating just six very bitter almonds could leave you with mild levels of cyanide poisoning. Case studies have shown that consuming six to 10 raw bitter almonds is enough to result in severe poisoning for an average adult, and that eating 50 or more could result in death.

However, before you begin panicking and throwing out all almonds that might seem bitter, know that by microwaving, baking, toasting, or boiling bitter almonds, cyanide levels within the almonds are reduced to 98%, making them safe for consumption. Bitter almonds are the ones that contain naturally occurring toxins, which your body breaks down to form cyanide, a compound that can lead to poisoning or even death. Although the sweet almonds you purchase in the grocery store do contain some cyanide, not enough to poison you. Although the sweet almonds still harbor a little bit of amygdalin, they have as much as 1,000 times less of this compound than the bitter almonds.

The amygdalin and cyanide can be removed from the nuts by crushing, sopping, and washing with water, leaving a pure benzaldehyde, otherwise known as bitter almond oil. If your almonds are not past their 1.5-year shelf life, you can roast them again in a pot (if they are already roasted) and consume them. According to Bobs Red Mill, almond flour may be good for four to five months past its sell-by date, assuming you keep it stored airtight in an airtight container and refrigerated or frozen. If you do not, you can bring the flour into your local butter making location, bring in your almonds, they can charge you just a couple bucks, and give you butter from that almond, and just 5cc of that butter is quite nice on the hair and the skin.

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If you are on the fence about eating Almonds which may or may not be past their prime, you have to keep in mind if you really do eat almonds which are past their prime and they are really rancid or sour, it may get you sick. Overindulging in almonds over an extended period can lead to an allergic reaction and an almond intolerance. Allergies may occur if one overdoses on almonds for one day or if one consumes nuts over an extended period without restraint.

If you have some type of nut allergy and experience hives, swelling, and breathing difficulties after eating nuts, avoid almonds too. Consuming almond products past their expiration dates can lead to health problems like stomach discomfort, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, and even death.

Can you get food poisoning from almonds?

According to case studies, the average adult only has to eat 6–10 raw bitter almonds to become seriously ill, while 50 or more can result in death. Children or young adults are more likely to experience the same negative impacts from smaller numbers.

What do rancid almonds taste like?

You may be sure that the nuts have gone bad if you open your almond jar and smell a foul, almost chemical scent. Your almonds’ flavour will also be altered. Rancid almonds taste bitter rather than the typical sweet and creamy almond flavour. Pay attention to your tongue and nose.

What can I do with expired Almond?

If not, you may take it to a nearby oil production facility, give them your almond, and they’ll give you the oil from that almond; even 5cc of that oil is great for your skin and hair. They might charge you a few bucks for it. If the almond has already been roasted and is under 1.5 years old, you can re-roast it in a skillet and eat it.

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