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What Happens If You Eat Expired Turkey

What Happens If You Eat Expired Turkey

What Happens If You Eat Expired Turkey

If you eat expired turkey meat, you could get food poisoning or diarrhea. Symptoms of food poisoning from consuming bad turkey can include sickness and vomiting, and in severe cases, fever with chills, and stomach cramps. It is important to get medical assistance if you experience any of these symptoms.

Most food experts suggest eating the leftover turkey about four days after refrigerating it. If you have leftovers that include the cooked turkey, you can expect them to keep for 34 days in the fridge. Make sure you remember that ground turkey lasts only 2 days after its use-by date in the fridge. If you want to eat Turkey at its best, you are encouraged to consume it within 2 days of purchasing it.

What is expired turkey?

Turkey is a popular source of protein, particularly around the holiday season. Like other perishable foods, turkey comes with an expiration date that is determined by the manufacturer. The expiration date indicates the date after which the turkey may become unsafe to eat due to bacterial growth, spoilage, and degradation of its quality.

Find out how long can meat last in the fridge
TypesShelf Life
Cooked Turkey3-4 days
Raw Turkey 1-2 days
Fresh Cuts For 5 days
Shelf life of Turkey.

Yes, if you are eating raw meat that has been sitting around for an extended time, it can potentially be contaminated with bacteria. If you eat raw meat, poultry, eggs, or seafood that has been contaminated with salmonella bacteria, you may get sick.

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Cooking and eating spoiled pork, rotten chicken, or any other rotten meat is not guaranteed to get you sick, however. If the bad meat has been contaminated with anything pathogenic, such as bacteria or toxins, then that could make you sick. If your meat has been contaminated with pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Clostridium, or E. coli, you could get really sick with food poisoning.

According to the US National Library of Medicine, food poisoning can result from eating foods that are naturally raw, undercooked, left out too long, or are not stored at proper temperatures. If you actually do eat food beyond its expiration date [and the food] is spoiled, you may experience symptoms of food poisoning, says registered dietitian nutritionist Summer Juhl, M.S. While foods may lose quality and have an off-flavor or become stale after their expiration dates, one of the biggest things to keep in mind is that foods also can lose their nutritional value over time.

Checking your best-by date is important, as if the food is past the shelf life, it could be unhealthy. It is always best to err on the side of caution or to look at FDAs Food Safety Guideline when eating expired foods because dates can be confusing.

Health risks of eating expired turkey

Eating expired turkey can cause a range of negative health consequences. One of the most common health risks associated with consuming expired turkey is food poisoning. Food poisoning is caused by consuming food contaminated with harmful bacteria or viruses, and symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever.

If the expired turkey was not stored properly, it can lead to the growth of Clostridium botulinum bacteria, which can produce a toxin that causes botulism. Botulism is a rare but severe illness that can cause muscle paralysis, respiratory failure, and even death.

Expired turkey can also contain Salmonella, a type of bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Symptoms of Salmonella infection include fever, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and vomiting. Salmonella infections can be particularly dangerous for pregnant women, young children, and individuals with weakened immune systems.

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After four days, the meat can be susceptible to molds and other growths that could lead to food poisoning. While the best way to tell whether eating expired food will be bad for you is to watch out for visible mold or odd odors (this is always easier with perishable foods), many times consumers cannot see (or even smell) harmful bacteria that might be living on an item.

Preventing the consumption of expired turkey

To prevent the consumption of expired turkey, it’s important to pay attention to the expiration date on the packaging. When purchasing turkey, check the label for the “sell by” or “use by” date, and make sure to buy the freshest turkey available.

If you’re storing turkey in your fridge, make sure to keep it at the proper temperature. The USDA recommends storing raw turkey at a temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below.

Can you cook bacteria out of turkey?

The USDA states that washing raw meat and poultry “may cause germs to spread up to three feet away.” Since any bacteria that may be present are destroyed when food is cooked to the right temperature, washing meat, and poultry is not necessary (e.g., baking, broiling, boiling, frying, or grilling).

Can you cook Salmonella out of turkey?

Salmonella infections cause around 26,000 hospital admissions and 400 fatalities each year, according to the CDC. The easiest method to avoid becoming sick from salmonella is to properly thaw your turkey, cook it completely, wash your hands after handling raw poultry, and disinfect any kitchen surfaces that come into touch with it.

How far ahead can you buy a fresh turkey?

One to two days before the day you intend to prepare, get a fresh turkey. You can store fresh chicken, unopened, in the refrigerator up to the “best-by” or “use by” date listed on the manufacturer’s label. The “sell by” date on the label should not be adhered to.

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