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How Long Does It Take For An Avocado Fruit To Grow

How Long Does It Take For An Avocado Fruit To Grow

How Long Does It Take For An Avocado Fruit To Grow

It takes about 3 to 4 years for an avocado fruit to grow. You have to show patience. If you start with a seed, it may take about 13 years or more. The factors which influence avocado growth are the environmental conditions and the variety of avocados.

If you plant an avocado tree from a seed or from the avocado pit, it takes 10-15 years before you see any fruit. In general, avocado trees need 3-15 years to fruit, and the ones grafted will grow faster than the ones grown from seed.

The amount of time that a tree takes to fruit an avocado will vary depending on where you purchase your trees from, and where you are planting them. If you are going to begin growing avocado trees from the ground spreading roots and planting seeds, it may be years before your trees produce fruit. Keep in mind, it may be a few more years before your avocado plants will flower and produce fruit.

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One last reason why it may take longer than four years for your avocado tree to bear fruit is if it is grown from seed rather than by grafting. There are many reasons why your tree may need longer than four years to give you fruit. A tree that is been grafted may need as much as four years to produce good fruit, whereas one that is been grown from the ground may need as much as twelve years to produce good fruit. Grafted trees are basically clones of their parent trees, so the only waiting that needs to happen is to allow the canopy and roots to mature (about 3 – 5 years).

Growing is due to the fact that seeds are a new piece of DNA from the parent tree that needs to mature, while grafted trees are mature trees fused to young rootstocks. If growing from a seed, it may take anywhere between five to 13 years for a tree to mature enough to bear fruit. The long blooming period for the fruit results in different stages of maturation each time around the tree.

Generally, the number of times per year that the tree produces fruit depends on the tree species, outside factors, and how much care the tree receives. About 200-300 fruits may vary, depending more or less if the tree is in the twice-yearly fruiting cycle. A typical avocado tree will produce around over one million flowers a year, but may produce just around 200 fruits. It is possible that a mature tree may miss one year in the avocado crop, but typically, you can expect about 200 to 300 avocados per year.

A tree may yield 200-300 avocados per production year when it is between five and seven years old. Avocado trees tend to take on alternating fruiting cycles — a on/off-crop cycle over the course of two years, which results in one year having a big harvest of smaller avocados followed by smaller harvests of larger avocados the following year. Avocados often will have a heavy crop one year, followed by a much lighter crop of fruit in subsequent years.

To learn how long it takes an avocado tree to produce fruit, watch this video.

Avocados, like many other plants, need certain growing conditions in order to produce a healthy fruit set. Avocados are self-pollinating plants, which do not require the presence of another tree in the vicinity in order to bear fruit. Avocados thrive well in USDA Zones 9B through 11, where the soil is typically rich enough with nutrients that the fruit can sustain. Avocados planted in USDA zones 9 through 11 may produce fruit, but if you are in a colder area, the trees may survive, but they will not produce any fruit.

When we plant the seed pod of an avocado, it can take anywhere from 5-10+ years for the seedling of the tree to bear fruit. Some varieties can take up to 15 years to start bearing avocado fruits. It can take as little as 8-9 months to see the blossoming trees that will actually produce the avocado fruit. If, however, you are growing avocados from seeds, it may take 5-13 years before you see your first fruit start developing.

TypesTime Required
Hass5 years
Persea Americana10-15 years
Maluma7-8 months
Types of avocados and the time required to grow them.

Remember, avocado trees purchased from stores will need to be around 3-5 years old before they will really start producing fruit. While growing an avocado tree takes some serious patience (it may be at least five years before they begin producing fruit), you will have all you need to start growing one next time you crack an avocado.

Starting your own Hass Avocado Fruit Tree from a seed is a fantastic idea, but starting with a dwarf tree may be easier. Let us say that you get your avocado pits at a grocery store, rather than a farmer or the existing tree itself. It is simple to source avocado seeds; just pull off the pit of a ripe avocado of your choice.

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The fruit may be slightly different from (either better than or worse than) the original avocado you obtained your seeds from. It is possible the fruits could be different, perhaps even inedible, because the trees that grow the seeds might have genetic differences from those that produced the original fruit. Even if that is the case, you may still use your new tree as the basis to graft branches from another tree that is already producing good fruit.

Even better, after the tree has grown, you can jump-start the fruit production by either grafting to productive branches or letting them grow. If you recall from above, a tree that started life as a sapling (bought online, at a local nursery, or at whatever shop you find) will start producing fruit somewhere in between three and five years. If you decide to purchase the tree at the nursery, you can expect to see fruit in about three or four years after purchasing it. If you bought a tree and planted it, you can probably expect to see the first fruits within three to four years after planting.

First, grafted trees typically start producing fruit within three to four years, whereas avocado seedlings (non-grafted) take significantly longer (7-9 years), if they ever do. Harvest times differ greatly depending on the weather, fertilization, or even a trees fruiting order.

One of the reasons an avocado does not fruit is simply because it is not a mature, grafted variety. While the avocado tree might not be completely mature when it produces fruit, it will definitely have matured enough that its energy can go toward producing avocados instead of growing taller and wider. Unlike some other fruit trees, an avocado tree does not follow a traditional cycle; rather than flowers and fruit coming from the same years buds, certain branches will flower while others will fruit in alternating years. Or, if you are just a patient person, and willing to wait while watching your avocado blossom into a new tree producing more avocados.

How many times a year does an avocado tree bear fruit?

Even though it can take some time before your avocado tree bears fruit, once it does, you’ll be swimming in avocados. Once the fruits are grown, a normal tree can produce 200–300 fruits each year. A full crop of avocados is only produced every other year because avocado trees alternate bearings.

What’s the best fertilizer for avocado trees?

First and foremost, nitrogen and a little zinc are needed by avocados. Use compost, coffee grounds, fish emulsion, or citrus tree fertilizer to grow avocados. You can also go organic. The USDA zones 9b through 11 are suitable for growing avocados, and the soil in those areas is often sufficiently nutrient-rich to support an avocado plant.

How long after flowering do avocados appear?

Yes, that also means that an avocado needs between 12 and 18 months to mature and become edible. The avocados you buy at the supermarket or farmer’s market grew and matured over 12 to 18 months. They are comparable to a fine wine that has matured or a flavorful aged steak, which explains why they are so delectable.

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