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How Long Do Meatballs Last In The Fridge

How Long Do Meatballs Last In The Fridge

How Long Do Meatballs Last In The Fridge?

Simply put, uncooked meatballs can last up to two days in the fridge. However, cooked meatballs can be stored in the fridge for three to four days. The shelf life of both can be extended by placing them in the freezer in airtight freezer-safe containers.

In general, cooked meatballs last for three to four days in the refrigerator, particularly if using fresh meat and cooling them immediately after cooking is feasible.

When you defrost frozen meatballs in the refrigerator, you can store them refrigerated for up to four days. If the meatballs are in your refrigerator longer than four days, you will want to toss them, even though they appear safe for eating.

By the way, if you’re interested in Can Jam Go Bad, check out my article on that.

How to Freeze Meatballs?

Freezing meatballs is a convenient way to preserve them for future meals. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to freeze meatballs properly:

Ingredients and Tools You’ll Need:

  • Cooked meatballs
  • Baking sheet or tray
  • Parchment paper or plastic wrap
  • Freezer-safe bags or airtight containers
  • Label and marker


  1. Cool the Meatballs: Allow your cooked meatballs to cool to room temperature. It’s important not to freeze hot or warm meatballs as this can promote the growth of bacteria during the freezing process.
  2. Prepare a Baking Sheet: Line a baking sheet or tray with parchment paper or plastic wrap. This will prevent the meatballs from sticking to the surface and make transferring them to the freezer easier.
  3. Arrange the Meatballs: Place the cooled meatballs evenly on the prepared baking sheet. Make sure they are not touching each other. This step is known as flash freezing, which prevents the meatballs from sticking together when stored in the freezer.
  4. Flash Freeze: Put the baking sheet with the meatballs in the freezer and leave them there for a few hours or until they are frozen solid. This usually takes 1-2 hours.
  5. Transfer to Containers: Remove the meatballs from the baking sheet once fully frozen. You can transfer them to either freezer-safe bags or airtight containers. If you use freezer bags, try to remove as much air as possible from the bag before sealing to prevent freezer burn.
  6. Label and Date: Label the bags or containers with the current date so you can keep track of when they were frozen. This helps you use them within a reasonable time frame and maintain the best quality.
  7. Store in the Freezer: Place the labeled and sealed meatballs in the freezer. Store them in a single layer, if possible, to prevent them from sticking together.

Frozen meatballs can typically be stored for up to 3-4 months in the freezer, but for the best quality, try to use them within the first 1-2 months. When ready to use, you can cook them from frozen or thaw them in the refrigerator before reheating.

Preserving Meatballs: Tips for Refrigeration and Freezing

If you plan on keeping meatballs raw for more than a day, you need to ensure they are kept cool. If you plan to freeze the meatballs, you must put them into a freezer right after making them.

You can either freeze the meatballs raw in a freezer-safe container or freeze them once cooked (we prefer cooking meatballs before freezing). Cooking the meatballs will allow you to store them longer without worrying about freezer burn.

Watch this video to learn about the preservation of homemade meatballs

To keep your meatballs out of danger territory, store them at an extreme temperature, hot or cold. You can make and shape your meatballs ahead of time and keep them covered for up to one day in the fridge.

Can I eat 6-day-old meatballs?

How leftover meatballs are handled and stored during those six days determines their quality and safety. To assist you in deciding whether or not six-day-old meatballs are safe to consume, consider the following guidelines:

  • Refrigeration: Meatballs that are refrigerated and kept at or below 40°F (4°C) for at least two hours after cooking have a higher chance of being safe to consume. The refrigerator slows down the growth of dangerous bacteria.
  • Smell and look: Inspect the meatballs’ look and smell before eating them. It’s advisable to throw them away if they seem discolored or slimy or smell odd or bad. These are indications that they might have gone bad.
  • Taste: You may test if they have developed an odd or off-taste by tasting a tiny bit of them to see if they look and smell fine. They’re probably safe to eat if they taste normal.
  • Heating: To ensure that any possible germs that may have grown during storage are killed, reheat the meatballs to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C).
  • Employ Your Judgment: In the end, it’s critical to have faith in your judgment. It is wiser to err on caution and toss the meatballs if you have concerns about their quality or safety.

Remember that country- and region-specific rules for food safety can differ, so it’s a good idea to check with your local health authorities for specific advice.

Additionally, it’s advisable to be extra cautious when handling older leftovers and adhere to tighter safety requirements if you have any members of your home who are more susceptible to foodborne illnesses, such as small children, the elderly, or people with weakened immune systems.

StorageShelf life
In refrigerator3-5 days
At room temperature2 hours
Storage and Shelf life of Meatballs.

Can you reheat cooked meatballs?

Yes, you can reheat cooked meatballs. Reheating meatballs is common, especially when you have leftovers or want to enjoy them again. Here’s how to safely reheat cooked meatballs:

Option 1: Oven

  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. Place the meatballs in an ovenproof dish or on a baking sheet.
  3. Cover the dish or meatballs with aluminum foil to help retain moisture and prevent them from drying out.
  4. Heat the meatballs in the preheated oven for about 15-20 minutes or until they reach an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C).

Option 2: Stovetop

  1. Place the meatballs in a skillet or saucepan.
  2. Add a small amount of liquid to the pan, such as broth, sauce, or water. This will help prevent them from drying out while reheating.
  3. Cover the pan with a lid and heat over medium-low heat.
  4. Stir occasionally to ensure even heating. Cook until the meatballs reach an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C).

Option 3: Microwave

  1. Place the meatballs in a microwave-safe container.
  2. Cover the container with a microwave-safe lid or plastic wrap, leaving a small vent for steam to escape.
  3. Microwave on high for 1-2 minutes, then check the internal temperature with a food thermometer. Continue microwaving in 30-second intervals until the meatballs reach an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C).

When reheating meatballs, it’s essential to ensure they reach the recommended internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) to kill any potential bacteria that may have developed during storage.

Additionally, consider the sauce or liquid you use when reheating. If you’re reheating meatballs with sauce, heat the sauce and the meatballs to maintain their flavor and moisture.

Remember that the exact reheating time may vary depending on the size and thickness of the meatballs and the method you choose. Be cautious not to overheat them, as this can make them dry and less enjoyable.

To learn about Can Hummus Go Bad, check out my article where I cover everything you need to know.

How long do spaghetti sauce and meatballs last in the refrigerator?

If you incorrectly store your prepared meatballs and spaghetti sauce in the refrigerator, they will stay good for three to five days.

It would be best to freeze your meatballs and spaghetti sauce in airtight containers or sealed freezer bags to improve the time they can remain edible after being prepared.

How can you tell if beef meatballs are off?

If, after being cooked, your meatballs give off a distinct and unpleasant stench, this indicates that they have gone bad. To the touch, the meatballs may have a sticky or slimy consistency, which is another indication that they have gone bad.

In addition, spoiled meatballs will alter their color to become transparent or yellowish in tone, which is a sign that the meatballs should be thrown away as soon as possible.

Why do meatballs get hard?

A stiff, rubbery, and chewy texture will develop in thick, tightly, and compact meatballs.

To prevent the mixture from sticking to your hands while you work, lightly oil your hands before handling the meatball mixture. It is best to use a miniature ice cream scoop when attempting to manufacture meatballs of consistent size.

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