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How Long Do Cooked Eggs Last? (All The Details)

How Long Do Cooked Eggs Last? (All The Details)

How Long Do Cooked Eggs Last? (All The Details)

Cooked eggs will last for 3-4 days in the fridge. If they are kept in a sealed container, they will last a bit longer. If you are unsure if your eggs are still good, you can do a float test. If it sinks, it’s still good. If it floats, it’s time to throw it out.

It would be best to realize that the query “How long do cooked eggs last” merits a thorough response. It’s natural to want to prepare many eggs to store for later because they are so adaptable, delectable, affordable, and simple to produce.

Most people don’t likely keep their leftover scrambled eggs in the refrigerator. But some people in a hurry save their cooked eggs for later use.

In this article, we will discuss how long cooked eggs last. So Let’s Go!

How Long Can Boiled Eggs Last in the Fridge?

In the refrigerator, cooked, boiled eggs last for about a week. You should discard your eggs after seven days in the refrigerator. Around this time, they’ll start to lose their freshness.

Consuming sticky or strongly scented eggs is not recommended, especially if the hard-cooked egg has been refrigerated for more than seven days.

An egg should be thrown out if there is any question about whether it is terrible.
An egg should be thrown out if there is any question about whether it is terrible.

Are Cooked Eggs Perishable?

Cooked eggs can undoubtedly go wrong, just like cooked meat can.

They aren’t regarded as having animal meat; therefore, technically, no. If eaten after they go wrong, eggs still produce bacteria and can make you sick.

Because of this, you must try your best to preserve your eggs by storing them in the refrigerator or freezer; nevertheless, the time they may stay there is also limited.

How Long Will Cooked Eggs Stay Fresh?

Because cooked eggs only last three to four days in the fridge, you should carefully plan your meal preparation days.

You may extend your morning egg bits or lunch egg salad to Thursday if you meal prep on Sunday, but you’ll need a backup on Friday. However, you have more time if you have hard-boiled eggs. When kept in the refrigerator, they can last up to a week.

Additionally, make sure your eggs are stored correctly. Initially, follow the FDA’s “Danger Zone” and hot food guidelines. This raises your risk of contracting a foodborne illness.

How Long Can You Keep Eggs in the Fridge?

 Never keep cooked eggs or egg dishes out at room temperature for an extended period.
Never keep cooked eggs or egg dishes out at room temperature for an extended period.

You might wonder how long cookie dough is kept in the fridge, but it’s crucial to know how to store meat, dairy, and eggs securely.

So, do eggs spoil in the refrigerator? Yes! In the fridge, eggs will ultimately go wrong.

It’s crucial to remember, though, that the shelf life of your eggs in the refrigerator will vary depending on the type of egg.

A casserole, hardboiled egg, scrambled egg, and many other dishes can all be cooked with eggs. So you might be able to preserve some egg types longer than others, depending on the kind of egg we’re talking about.

What Signs Point to a Bad Cooked Egg?

A change in texture, a change in fragrance, and a change in appearance indicate that a cooked egg has gone wrong.

Eggs often don’t smell strong unless they’ve been hardboiled. However, if you discover that your scrambled eggs have an unpleasant flavor and a greyish appearance, it’s possible that they are past their prime and should not be eaten.

When it comes to boiled eggs, be wary of any that become slimy or whose smell seems to have intensified over time.

Of course, we advise throwing away a hardboiled egg if it has been in the refrigerator for longer than a week.

Consuming sticky or strongly scented eggs is not recommended
It is not advised to consume sticky or strongly scented eggs

Keep Cooked Eggs Safe

The time that boiled eggs can be kept in the refrigerator varies. Most cooked eggs may typically be stored in the fridge for three to four days before being thrown out. When keeping boiled eggs, ensure your refrigerator is set to a temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.

Since the temperature is not as steady there, it is not a good idea to store cooked eggs in the refrigerator door. The eggs should be kept in a glass container with a secure lid and on a refrigerator shelf.

Divide fried eggs into multiple shallow containers if you’re storing them in bulk so they can cool quickly before being put in the fridge.

Within two hours of cooking, bag any leftover eggs and place them in the refrigerator. Never keep cooked eggs or egg dishes out at room temperature for an extended period. Reduce this time to one hour if the temperature outside is above 90°F before putting the eggs in the refrigerator.

Here’s a video of safety tips for cooking eggs at home:

Food safety tips when cooking eggs at home

Eating a rotten egg has hazards to your health. If you eat raw eggs, you risk contracting Salmonella, a type of food poisoning. Salmonella-type bacteria can grow on the eggshell and inside the yolk and white.

Salmonella infection symptoms can include

  • Abdominal Cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Vomiting

How Long Can We Keep Hard-Boiled Eggs in the Refrigerator?

For up to a week.

Some people discover that 8, 9, or 10 days is the earliest they can eat cooked eggs. Nevertheless, we do not advise it.

You may become ill after eating a rotten egg and experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and other unpleasant symptoms. Salmonella can also be acquired through the consumption of rotten eggs.

Salmonella infection, which can cause fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, is the most significant risk associated with consuming rotten eggs. 


It is essential to know the basic facts about eggs before storing them
It is essential to know the basic facts about eggs before storing them

How long are eggs good for when frozen?

Eggs that have been scrambled or prepared in another way often keep at their best for 3-6 months in the freezer.

According to the USDA, refrigerated eggs retain freshness for three to five weeks after the carton’s pack date. However, only eggs that have received a USDA grade are required to display the pack date.

Should eggs be kept in the refrigerator?

To preserve freshness and lower the chance of Salmonella contamination, the USDA advises putting eggs in the refrigerator as soon as feasible.

Additionally, the USDA Trusted Source advises against letting refrigerated eggs sit at room temperature for longer than two hours. As cold eggs warm up, they may sweat, increasing the chance of bacterial development.

When frozen, how long do scrambled eggs stay fresh?

In the freezer, scrambled eggs can be stored for up to a year. But we advise you to eat frozen eggs within three to six months.

Additionally, you can scramble your eggs in advance and freeze them raw until you’re ready to cook them. Then, you won’t have to bother about spending extra time cracking the eggs and can cook them up fresh in the morning.

Final Thoughts

  • The egg yolk and egg white may become discolored when eggs smell rotten. Bacteria may potentially taint eggshells that are cracked or sticky.
  • Checking the egg’s expiration date, visually examining its shell, and cracking it open to smell the inside are simple techniques to assess an egg’s freshness.
  • An egg should be thrown out if there is any question about whether it is terrible.
  • One can lessen their risk of contracting Salmonella by keeping eggs in the refrigerator, tossing any with cracked shells, and properly frying them before consuming them.
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