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How Long Can Sauerkraut Last In The Fridge

How Long Can Sauerkraut Last In The Fridge

How Long Can Sauerkraut Last In The Fridge?

Sauerkraut can last in the fridge for up to four to six months, without going bad. It will stay fresh for this whole time-period. However, you should be careful that it is sealed properly after using it every time in order to prevent new bacteria from growing and spoiling it.

If you are not sure whether or not you should store sauerkraut in a refrigerator, simply look at the location of the product at your local grocery store. You will want to think about what you are going to use your sauerkraut for, whether it is going to need to be used soon, and also about keeping it refrigerated. The best part of non-refrigerated sauerkraut is it does not take up any room in your fridge.

When you store your sauerkraut in your fridge, it should keep fresh about 6 months, but with stable temperatures, that can last much longer. While sauerkraut has a longer shelf life, it also goes sour, especially when it is not kept in pickle juice. The biggest advantage is that it will last for a longer period, particularly if it is kept correctly. Because sauerkraut has been pickled, it is easily stored and it will last for a long time because of the longer shelf life.

SauerkrautPantry (60-68°F)Refrigerator (32-34°F)
Sauerkraut (pasteurized, unopened)1-2 months6 months
Sauerkraut (pasteurized, opened)5-7 days4-6 months
Shelf life of pasteurized sauerkraut in storages with different temperatures.

Sauerkraut does not last very long when kept warm or damp, so keeping it stored cool is essential. Even though it has quite the lengthy shelf life, sauerkraut does not go on forever, but it does take a good amount of time for it to completely spoil. With refrigeration and a sealed can, this kraut will keep quite long, but after that kraut is opened, it will still be nice and delicious for another 4 – 6 months.

By the way if you are interested in How Long Will Cooked Spaghetti Last In The Fridge, then check out my another article!

Watch to learn how to preserve of Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut does not spoil fast, but will lose flavor if left in the fridge for too long. Fermented sauerkraut is a pickled food, so it keeps really well in the best conditions and can keep in the fridge for months. Refrigerated sauerkraut, on the other hand, can retain its freshness for months, provided that you allow it to soak in brine. Unrefrigerated, unopened sauerkraut, or pasteurized sauerkraut, will last at most one week in the fridge.

Either kind, refrigerated or unrefrigerated, can last months after the “use-by” date, as long as you do not open it. Your sauerkraut may last for a couple months or longer on the counter in the kitchen depending on room temperature. You can expect brine-free sauerkraut to last for a week, or maybe just a bit longer than that, once opened, in your refrigerator. Sauerkraut made with vinegar also lasts months, while products made with meat juices or fats, and those made with brine that is salted, spoil much faster.

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Without refrigeration, or with much of the fermentation juices, that sauerkraut is likely to get dried out and flavorless really fast, too. Speeding up the fermentation process will result in spoiled sauerkraut much sooner than later, so most prefer to keep their food in a refrigerator or freezer. Storing sauerkraut in either a refrigerator or freezer slows the fermentation process due to lower temperatures for preservation. While it is controversial, this way to store sauerkraut has actually been found to work, particularly for those who do not own refrigerators.

One of the best ways of storing sauerkraut is by keeping it in a cooler, since it helps to minimize bacteria growth and reduces the risk that it can spoil. All you need to do is keep your sauerkraut somewhere cool, store it in a fridge or freezer, or heat it at a high temperature and destroy any bacteria that are ruining it. Once you have opened your cans, keep the sauerkraut in the fridge to keep bacteria from growing and keep it in its best form.

If you have sauerkraut that is packed, transfer it into a mason jar, quart size, or other glass container before placing in the fridge. Place all your filled sauerkraut jars in a clean ice chest/garbage can or discarding the chest freezer. Properly sealed jars of sauerkraut should be stored in a cool, dry cupboard, or, for a longer time, a cooler or freezer. Sauerkraut can be frozen and stored in a freezer bag or a freezer-safe container, but there are some things to keep in mind.

The five most efficient methods for sauerkraut storage and preservation are chilling, DIY crock pot, countertop, freezer, and jar, and each method gives your sauerkraut a different shelf life. Refrigeration, however, gives the shortest shelf life to your sauerkraut when compared with freezing or canning (link). Of course, if you are choosing between these two methods for preservation, freezing will prolong the life of your sauerkraut even more than refrigerator, as it almost stops the fermentation. No matter which method you use to store, whether it is the pantry, fridge, or freezer, sauerkraut lasts for a couple months, at least, but refrigerating or freezing the fermented cabbage will prolong its life much beyond the pantry shelf life.

Simply placing your sauerkraut in the refrigerator will guarantee it will last several months, which is generally more than enough time to finish off any leftovers. Sauerkraut that is not refrigerated can remain unopened until you are ready to eat it, certainly until it is past its best-by date. Since sauerkraut is a fermented food, leaving it in an exposed area on the countertop or pantry, even with a tight-fitting cover, will accelerate the fermentation process.

If you leave the kraut outside in the air, the bacteria that are in the air will begin to grow and ferment the cabbage. Freezing it will result in some nutrients being lost from the kraut due to extreme temperatures (link). If you are looking to keep sauerkraut for an extended time, you will need to set the temperature on the freezer at 36 degrees.

Secure a lid on the jars or move into a sealed container and keep it refrigerated at all times unless you are using it. Store sauerkraut refrigerated for longer shelf life. For example, if you are using a sturdy, sealed storage container, you can expect your sauerkraut to last longer than if it was stored in a Ziploc bag or another container like that. As mentioned earlier, unrefrigerated sauerkraut has only a brief shelf-life after you pop open the package, since all of these bacteria are killed in the fermentation process.

How long does Sauerkraut last after opening?

Studies suggested that refrigerated sauerkraut can stay fresh for about 4-6 months after opening. Care should be taken when you’re using and sealing it after each use because it become spoiled if if new bacteria come in contact with it.

Can you eat sauerkraut after a week?

After opening, pasteurised sauerkraut lasts about a week but is readily ruined. If you keep unpasteurized sauerkraut covered in brine and cooled, it keeps for months after being opened. But as it gets progressively sourer, the flavour eventually becomes intolerable.

How do you know if sauerkraut has gone bad?

An unpleasant odour is one of the first indications that the sauerkraut has gone sour. The sauerkraut is no longer good if the item has a noticeable rotting odour. Examine the fermented cabbage to see if it has developed an odd texture or colour. If the product has a noticeable texture or colour change, throw it away.

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