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Does String Cheese Need To Be Refrigerated

Does String Cheese Need To Be Refrigerated

Does String Cheese Need To Be Refrigerated

String cheese should be kept in a refrigerator to keep it fresh and safe otherwise it may get worse. Room temperature is not safe for the string cheese as it will start to deteriorate. An opened pack of string cheese stays fresh for up to one week when it is refrigerated.

String cheese is simply mozzarella, and mozzarella needs refrigeration, otherwise, it will spoil after only a couple of hours. If you are left with a half-full packet of string cheese after making a few pan pizza cheese sticks as an entree, you might be wondering whether string cheese goes bad, or how long to store it. If you buy a streusel that has a longer shelf-life than string cheese, be sure to store it in the unsundered package until it is ready for use.

Properly stored, one unopened packet of string cheese will last for approximately 1 week past the sell-by date or best-by date on the package. Yes — Unopened Cheddar cheese typically remains safe for about 6 months, even if it has passed its original sell-by or Best By date on its packaging. An unopened piece of cheddar cheese can remain in its original package if it is kept refrigerated, and, in order to maximize the shelf life, do not open the package until you are ready to use it.

By the way if you are interested in How Long Does String Cheese Last, then check out my another article.

Properly stored, a loosely packed shredded cheese wedge will keep about 5 to 7 days in the fridge. Properly stored, shredded cheddar cheese will retain its good quality for about 8 months, but it is safe past this point. String cheese, when stored correctly in a refrigerator, will keep for a few days longer than the date listed on the package.

Find out how to string cheese is made

If you do open the string cheese package, it needs to be stored correctly in order to keep for five to seven days in the fridge. If you do the proper steps before you put your opened string cheese into the fridge, you will minimize the changes to texture and flavor, and you will prolong the shelf life of your cheese for months. Keep in mind, the longer you store cheese in the freezer, the greater texture and flavor changes you will incur.

Type of CheeseShelf Life
Packet of String Cheese (unopened) 1 week
Unopened Cheddar Cheese6 months
Shredded Cheese Wedge (opened)5-7 days
Mozzarella Cheese (opened)1-2 weeks
Type of cheese and its shelf life

In some cases, like taking cheese to a dinner party or a picnic with friends, you can leave the cheese out for several hours. If you place a stick of cheese in your lunchbox, it will stay at a relatively warm temperature much longer than the two hours that it would be exposed to otherwise.

If you do not want to freeze your cheese stick, but also really dislike the idea of potentially leaving it outside the refrigerator for hours (or days), there are some ways that can help you feel safer eating cheese sticks. If your cheese sticks are mostly made from softer cheeses, which most are, you are better off keeping them in your fridge at a cooler temperature.

If your cheese sticks are not opened and are in a sealed bag, and also a temperature of 70 degrees or lower, it is probably fine to leave them out of the refrigerator for a couple days or so, and still be fine to eat. If packaged mild Cheese sticks are still in their air-sealed packaging and at temperatures not too hot, they can be left out of the fridge for about a few days and still be safe to eat. If left out for too long, in heat, or outside of their plastic wrapper, they will rapidly get dried out, slimy, moldy, and are not more fresh or safe to eat. Hard cheeses such as Parmesan, Cheddar, and Parmigiano-Reggiano need no refrigeration, but harder cheeses such as Parmesan cheese will keep longer when kept cool.

To learn about Can String Cheese Go Bad, then check out this article!

Soft cheeses, such as string cheese, which is made from mozzarella, may last longer in a refrigerator when kept properly. It is important to note that string cheese, or just about any hard cheese, can last months when kept cool and not exposed to direct sunlight. If you have unsealed string cheese with the air-sealed packaging, and also it is kept in a 70-degree or cooler environment; these will keep about five days before it gets really bad.

Just like any other perishable, sealed string cheese should never be left out for longer than two hours if you want to be absolutely certain that it is safe to eat. If you are packing String Cheese in a childs lunchbox, or stashing it in a purse for snacking, it should be fine for around 8-10 hours, refrigerated, provided that it is kept unopened. While unsundered string cheeses can keep a lot longer in a cooler or fridge, it can be hard to tell just how much longer shelf-stable cheeses, or even slices of cheese, can last. If you store string cheese refrigerated, away from countertops, it can become too cold on the inside, which is for safety reasons (it could lead to freezer burn).

If it is a shelf-stable string cheese or sticks, it should be okay — sniff and inspect visually first — and keep it covered, too — otherwise bugs or insects may be on it. If you happen to break your cheese wrapper, take off the wrapper and store your cheese in a sealed container or bag. In the event the cheese is not used right away, store in a container or bag that you can seal tight. If you stored your cheese correctly, and it does not show any signs of spoilage, inspect your cheese and consider using it, since it may still be fine a week or two.

Cheese should be stored in an environment with little air contact, which will help to prevent spoilage caused by moisture or being exposed for too long in one period. Whatever type of cheese you have, store it in a refrigerators vegetable crisper, where temperatures are cool and stable. Once you have opened the package, use or freeze shredded cheddar within the refrigeration times shown, even if you are still short on your “best by,” “best if used by,” or “use by” dates.

While harder cheeses, such as processed cheeses (used mostly in cheese sticks), shredded cheddar and parmesan cheeses, do not necessarily require refrigeration, since they may keep quite a long time. Semi-soft cheeses are more susceptible to growing molds, so need even less time at room temperature before being stored again–just an hour would suffice, provided it is made from quality ingredients like milk, which does not easily spoil under such circumstances.

How long can string cheese be left unrefrigerated?

It is not advised to keep string cheese at room temperature for more than four hours. If you want to ensure no bacterial growth in your cheese, four hours is the maximum time. It is advised to store your cheese in a sealed container or bag.

Can unrefrigerated cheese make you sick?

While it’s unlikely that you’ll become sick or perhaps pass away during your party, the quality of the cheese may drastically deteriorate after more than 4 hours. Eat something different, remove a fresh block of cheese from the refrigerator, or perhaps serve fondue at your upcoming gathering instead.

What cheeses do not need to be refrigerated?

For the sake of hygiene, soft cheeses like cream cheese, shredded cheese, and goat cheese must be kept in the refrigerator. Hard cheeses like cheddar, processed cheese, and both block and parmesan Cheese often do not need to be refrigerated for safety purposes, but doing so will extend their shelf life.

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